Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oracle DBA Checklist

I. Daily Procedures

A. Verify all instances are up
Make sure the database is available. Log into each instance and run daily reports or test scripts. Some sites may wish to automate this.
Optional implementation: use Oracle Enterprise Manager's 'probe' event.
B. Look for any new alert log entries
• Connect to each managed system.
• Use 'telnet' or comparable program.
• For each managed instance, go to the background dump destination, usually $ORACLE_BASE//bdump. Make sure to look under each managed database's SID.
• At the prompt, use the Unix ‘tail’ command to see the alert_.log, or otherwise examine the most recent entries in the file.
• If any ORA-errors have appeared since the previous time you looked, note them in the Database Recovery Log and investigate each one. The recovery log is in .
C. Verify DBSNMP is running
1. Log on to each managed machine to check for the 'dbsnmp' process.
For Unix: at the command line, type ps –ef | grep dbsnmp. There should be two dbsnmp processes running. If not, restart DBSNMP. (Some sites have this disabled on purpose; if this is the case, remove this item from your list, or change it to "verify that DBSNMP is NOT running".)
D. Verify success of database backup
E. Verify success of database archiving to tape
F. Verify enough resources for acceptable performance
1. Verify free space in tablespaces.
For each instance, verify that enough free space exists in each tablespace to handle the day’s expected growth. As of , the minimum free space for : [ < tablespace > is < amount > ]. When incoming data is stable, and average daily growth can be calculated, then the minimum free space should be at least

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